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Monday, May 04, 2009

8 weeks

I realised this morning that I have precisely zero social engagements between now and Big Trip in 8 weeks. Nothing! For 8 weeks!

That could be my emptiest calendar EVER, quite literally. I'm sure that on the day I was born my mum must have been organising a trip to see my cousins or something. I have now reached the stage of my life where I can have nothing planned for 2 months except work and family duties.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's either strangely restful or profoundly depressing. I'll let you know in a few weeks.

(BTW, this is the 400th post on this blog. I'm sure that sending my inconsequential thoughts out into the ether and the concurrent social ostracism are entirely unconnected. No, really, I'm sure.)


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