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Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Big Trip Review pt.1 - Journeys

I confess to finding the subject a little dull, but so many people have asked about how the Bs coped on the plane flights I feel obliged to cover it here.

On the outward journey we had the luxury of a one night stopover at Narita (Tokyo) so we headed to a servicable airport hotel and grabbed a few hours kip. As to the flights themselves, neither was full so we were able to spread ourselves around a little bit and B1 didn't get as stir crazy as we had feared. B2 was his usual placid self throughout.

On the return journey we were anticipating a miserable 8 hour wait at Narita between flights. In the event it wasn't too bad because we found a pretty good, and completely empty, kids room. Give B1 a slide and some space to run around and she's happy for hours. B2 was happily ensconced in his KinderKot so M managed to get some sleep too.

The Narita-Sydney leg was probably the worst of the lot. The flight was full and B1 inexplicably refused to go to sleep so I had to stay up with her. She behaved well though, and wasn't half as infuriating as the drunken couple behind us who stayed up all night exchanging ill-informed and tedious flirty banter about sex, drugs and rock'n'roll. Believe me, they made sex, drugs and rock'n'roll sound like the most inane things on earth. They fell asleep just in time for breakfast, by which time I wanted to strangle them. Did I say anything? Of course not, I'm English.


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