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Monday, November 08, 2004

Beer, wine, literature

A pleasant, boozy weekend with a big caveat. M was stuck at home the whole time doing boring old uni work. Gah!

To pass the time, then, I headed over to the the Parramatta Spring Fair and saw the National Tree Climbing Championships. No, really, I did. Apparently the winners get to go to Nashville or somewhere and compete in the world championship. Some things you just don't expect to exist. Anyway, a brief trip to the pub ended up at the RSL several hours later, and culminated in me sleeping through the Arsenal game at 4.15 am.

I did rouse myself, though, to go and meet an old Hallamite called Jacqui who arrived in Sydney that morning. Always a pleasure showing someone the ropes and we had a good old chat over a bottle of wine by the harbour bridge. Most civilised. Some photos from Sheffland did remind me of rather less civilised times though. I'll post the photo here when I can lever M off the computer.

Still making my way through The Executioner's Song which is very good, though 700 pages in I'm looking forward to the end. The first half is brilliant, uncomfortable reading about the criminal mind a la "Crime and Punishment".


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