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Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm really chuffed with this - what a sadsack

First up I was mentioned on the Grauniad's football website, and then there were the uncredited contributions to Corrections & Clarifications and the Descartes gag in the diary. I have now finally reached the pinnacle of my left-leaning Berliner correspondence by having my name actually printed on the letters page of the actual paper, with actual ink. It's on a pleasingly bloshie subject too. Read the 1s and 0s version here - it's the 5th letter down.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

not quite as total fame as your uncle, though - yet!

very impressed, you upstart republican rebel, you... wait til we get a Stuart monarch on the Scottish and then try and work out whether 'loyaulte me lie' or not ;-)

nice one...

p.s. said uncle sez: "Tell him... er... tell him... oh, I'm thinking..." so there you go - you are currently his muse...

4:45 AM  

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