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Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Not Finding Nemo

I notice that Michael Haneke has remade his 1997 Austrian movie Funny Games as an English language film, although otherwise the film appears to be virtually identical. I saw the original recently, and it is both utterly amazing and something I really couldn't recommend to anybody.

I have never seen a film so ruthless with both its characters and its audience. Even though there is barely any violence shown on screen, I spent the entire time chewing my own forearm and gibbering quietly behind a cushion. By the end, the audience has been forced into complicity with the awful events on-screen and one is left feeling terrified, queasy and strangely guilty.

Like I say, I really liked it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoah! I saw the original at Sydney filmfest the year it came out and was blown away. Yeah, I understand that guilty feeling. It's one of those movies which way impress me but I doubt I can watch a second time. Irreversible is another example as Breaking the Waves.

8:54 PM  

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