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Sunday, November 06, 2011

Yes, this post is all an excuse to link to that Father Ted clip again

Was that the most expensive weekend ever?

First, we had a and a Gold Class movie. Legitimate because it was our 11th wedding anniversary, though Contagion was perhaps not the most romantic film ever. Especially that bit where they open up Gwyneth Paltrow’s brain post mortem.

We are in the middle of redecorating our entire house, so we also splashed out on 8 picture frames, 5 light fittings and some fancy new blinds. Mmm, aesthetic.

While M was choosing the blinds, I snuck out to JB Hi-Fi and picked up a PS3 game and 3 CDs (yes, I still buy CDs).

M also decided she needed to upgrade her iPhone so we got a 4S, although she claims that this will save us money.

Finally, and least interestingly, we bought a car.

After this splurge, extravagant by even Mario Balotelli standards, M found time to question my investment of $9 in some healthy snacks for my children.

Perspective is a tricky thing.


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