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Monday, February 07, 2005


Oh what a joy it is to be alive in a sweltering Sydney summer, commuting to a dull job and enduring some serious toothache.

Objectively, I guess, things are going well. M and the lump are all on schedule, and she's still not suffering any serious symptoms, if that's the right word, from the pregnancy. Hopefully that won't lead to a karmic backlash during third trimester or labour. I had a cool moment at the weekend too when I felt my first kick. M figured out that if she lies down without a pillow the lump gets upset and has a whack at her, so we tried it out and the wee knee straightened out just as predicted. M got the pillow back straight away, you understand.

That was up at Avoca, where we spent the weekend with the Players. Canasta and children dominated things, but I managed a very brief and begrudging trip to the beach (all that sand), and The Motorcycle Diaries was a hit at the cinema. I also started practicing with the new video camera - hopefully we can bung a video up here soon.

(Once we get home internet back, that is. BigPond are proving to be a nightmare even to disconnect from, which needs to happen before we reconnect with a decent provider).

Sunday night was Rufus Wainwright and family, which was a glitchy but cool gig. The guy's a star. Monday night a family friend called Damo (he's Aussie, you know) stayed overwhich was good.

Throughout all this the toothache was getting steadily worse, and I was fortunate to get a cancellation at the dentists. I haven't been to the dentist for roughly 15 years, since leaving my mum's protective nest, so it was no surprise that my teeth are buggered, or one tooth at least. Unfortunately, the buggeration is of a serious degree so I ave 2 appointments in March for the dreaded root canal. Aaargh! Still, in a few months me and M can have arguments about whether it's more painful than labour. I'm sure my wimpishness will trump her feminine stoicism every time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the toothache. Congrats on the kicking baby. And Rufus Wainwright...I'm totally a fan.

12:09 PM  

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