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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Father's Day? Not in Blighty it isn't

Well, my folks went home last week amid much unhappiness at Sydney Airport. It was wonderful having them here for a month, there was enough time for them both to really get a sense of Beth’s personality. Now it feels odd having Beth back in her own nursery; next up, she will switch from the bassinette to the cot. Hopefully this won’t be too traumatic for her.

Beth is getting more adorable by the day. We’ve learned that if we really overload her with formula during her evening feed then she sleeps for a long time giving us the chance for a good kip ourselves. The other night we got 14 hours out of her.

We’ve taken the opportunity of having in-house babysitters to get out and about a fair bit too – bushwalking, shopping, the cinema and so on. We’ve also watched a whole load of DVDs and videos, which has been great of course. And I’ve even finished reading Clarissa – praise be!


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