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Monday, August 27, 2007

Revelations: now the second best blog in the family

Still no baby brother or sister for B. M is at the doctors today and we are hoping for some result from that, maybe breaking the waters will do the trick.

B's language is developing at an unprecedented rate, together were a willingness to assert herself and test boundaries. Instead of "no" she has taken to "maybe not" and, instead of a simple affirmative, she now favours a wide-eyed "yeah, I know".

So, a typical conversation might go:

Dad: Do you want to wear the blue top?
Beth: Maybe not.
Dad: How about this one? It's lovely.
Beth (very earnest): Yeaah, I knooow.

So, to bring the 2 threads together. We were discussing the induction options for a VBAC, and I asked about the possibility of using oxytocin. Beth piped up authoritatively:

"Nooo tocytocin"

M&I creased up and Beth joined in merrily, though she can have no idea why we were laughing. Very cute.

For more baby news, subscribe today to M's new blog - Shamblings. Enjoy!


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