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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Lionel Blair...The Dirty Dozen...The Sting. You work it out.

So, farewell then FSM and thanks for the memories. I think Frances and Simon had a great time but Maya had to suffer repeated bashing and toy-stealing by a rogue baby who had better remain nameless.

Changing the subject utterly and completely...Beth! She is now walking with confidence, which is wonderful but means she can get to pretty well anything in the house. We have to keep an eye on her, but as you can see she is so happy in my company that there is never any unpleasantness.

Meanwhile, we enjoyed watching They're A Weird Mob. It's hardly a classic Powell, but the depiction of mid-1960s Sydney is a delight. At the end, he just buys a patch of land overlooking the harbour which would cost millions today.

ISIHAC is back - hooray!


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