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Sunday, March 25, 2007

Once upon a time, there...doh!

There's not been a great deal happening in these parts so I'll just give some updates relating to previous posts:

1) Pregnancy - We had the 18 week scan and everything went well despite the ultrasonographer (?) being a bit of a cow when it came to her dealings with Beth. A very efficient professional with no concept of people skills. Anyway, we chose not to find out the baby's sex so we're in for a surprise come August. We don't care either way.

2) Germaine Greer has written a characteristically curious article about The Bridge. Is any of it true?

3) I really enjoyed these 6 word stories by various authors. The Hemingway is brilliant and unutterably sad, John Crace is unnerving, and Blake Morrison is predictably poetic.

Ate responsibly, exercised occasionally, watched DVDs, read books, yada yada...

Your husband sweats more than any man I know, and now I can understand why


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