On Wednesday M & I found ourselves in the Cricketer's Arms with the following people:
1) Michael Parker, brother of Brentwood's very own Dave Parker, and professional sound engineer/knob-twiddler
2) Bob, bass player of the zeitgeist-surfing indie heroes Franz Ferdinand
3) Matt, fraternal half of NYC pop eccentrics The Fiery Furnaces, and
4) Andy, drummer for the Furnaces and all-round cool guy
Mike had got us on the guest list for a Franz promo show, so we also got to hang around backstage, meet various other band members, help drink the rider etc. What larks! Everyone involved was very friendly and welcoming, despite my increasing drunkenness. Designated driver M had to remind of certain conversations the next day - oh dear, there's went our chance of hanging with the cool crowd. We went to 2 more shows later in the week FF/TFF double bills, and saw more of Mike and Matt (officially the Nicest Man In Pop).
It was all great fun, and there's no denying a kind of adolescent thrill of being introduced to people when you have watched them on stage and telly, bought the album etc. On the other hand, it feels a bit silly to find it all so much fun.
The best thing about it is that they're all due back soon, possibly in the New year for the Big Day Out. Woohoo!
What else? Quiet times, involving a couple of movies, and continuing my slow progress through another novel (The Tin Drum). A big fillip for M was her uni results; 2 distinctions and a high distinction - you go girl!
Biggest downer was missing another wedding - hope it was fun, guys.
Take care, love youse all, xx